NWEN presentation – 0-25mph for startups

Early this morning, I presented at the Northwest Entrepreneur Network breakfast . NWEN (www.nwen.org) helps people start companies by giving them tools, connecting them with service providers and making connections to other people, advisors… and I love that. This was a chance for me to summarize my thoughts and experiences (to date) and connect with other entrepreneurs. I always learn something when I do these kinds of events, both about what I have done right/wrong in the past and how I can be better in the future.
I also met a bunch of really interesting people working on cool ideas. Thanks to Jared and Peter for setting up the event and to everyone who asked me such good questions after the talk. I look forward to the future discussions and coffee meetings.
If you have questions or follow-ups you can connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or send plain old email (tam@gist.com) and I will do what I can to help.